Getting & Installing flexiWAN

On this page you will find instructions for getting the flexiWAN software and installing it on bare metal, virtual machine or in the cloud. The steps you would want to follow are:

  • Check the system requirements

  • Read the installation guide

  • Download the image for the installation format of your choice (see Downloading flexiWAN section below)

Installing flexiWAN

flexiWAN can be installed on any of these platforms:

Virtual Appliances

  • Download the pre-built virtual appliances per your hypervisor type for VMware, KVM/QEMU and VirtualBox and install a Virtual Machine based on the hypervisor type documentation.


  • Hardware appliances with flexiWAN from our hardware partners.

  • Installation image, see our baremetal installation guide.

  • Manually from packages, install on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS with this guide.

Public Clouds

  • Amazon Web Services EC2 - see this guide.

  • Oracle Cloud from here.

  • Hetzner Cloud VPS. Deployment steps are covered in this guide.

  • DigitalOcean VPS. Deployment steps are covered in this guide.

Once the software installation is completed, it is required to set a organization token and link the device to your flexiManage account. This step is explained in the Management section.

Downloading flexiWAN

Downloads are available from the below section. Each image or virtual appliance has readme file, with instructions regarding credentials and network interfaces layout.

ISO Installer Release 6.3.40

flexiWAN offers installer images for installing on bare-metal. ISO Installer will create a recovery partition for offline restore. The installer supports serial console and VGA output, selection available at the initial boot menu. UEFI is required.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

Serial settings:

  • Baud Rate - 115200
  • Data Bits - 8
  • Parity - None
  • Stop Bits - 1
  • Flow Control - off

SHA256: b342fcd0f62e332c2d5a444937b699f2250161d67103fc17269f3d326131b4c4

VMware Release 6.3.40

A pre-built flexiEdge appliance for VMware. All VMware products such as Workstation, Fusion and Player are supported. flexiEdge appliance is available in OVA format for an easy deployment. Appliance use UEFI.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: b539ebbcaabec8298ecbe96f3ed4a92fb72edf7a593ed23dc44ceedc91fda7d9

KVM/QEMU Release 6.3.40

Pre-built flexiEdge appliances for KVM/QEMU UEFI and VGA.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: 16cb1819b6001aa4386f28957aea103dedf16b513aa0c679feafd86130103e53

Pre-built flexiEdge appliances for KVM/QEMU UEFI and Console.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: ed0f0ce3d44a70bed3177b68bc3efbec61a7daf7ed7fbf3e1b7020b07bfaf0a6

Pre-built flexiEdge appliances for KVM/QEMU BIOS and Console.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: 5fe831890672f10ba5e305b9dc5d7ef289582dcdb12aa2b30f5370a5ec4dd5f2

Virtualbox Release 6.3.40

A pre-built flexiEdge appliance for Oracle VirtualBox UEFI.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: 2d093d1b6447fb09d0541ffdf07a1f9e1c120d7810f4da1f8f2e4566512d9d66

A pre-built flexiEdge Virtualbox raw image.

Default username and password are: admin / flexiwan

SHA256: 10a0d6ed0c9436335c31fb1d807220747b57ffe790602b0cabb0159ccf6355a7

The flexiWAN software is tested on many hardware configurations and multiple hypervisors. Make sure to install flexiWAN on supported hardware as described in the system requirements page. In case you run into any technical issues or have any questions, visit our Users Forum or contact us for assistance at